As National Women’s Month comes to a close this weekend, INDYCAR pays homage to the many women who help make the NTT IndyCar Series sanctioning body, teams and stakeholders run so successfully.

We asked some of the growing number of women in the paddock for their thoughts on working in this arena and their advice for those who wish to follow. It also coincides with International Women’s Day earlier in March, whose theme was “think equal, build smart, innovate for change.”

JUDY KOUBA DOMINICK, Manager, Chevrolet Racing Trackside Communications (shown above with Team Penske drivers Will Power and Josef Newgarden): "Throughout my 20-plus-year career, I've had the privilege to work in media, public and client relations for teams, drivers, sponsors, tracks and partners. Working in racing isn't just a job, it a lifestyle built on a passion for the unique experiences that are only found within motorsports. I have spent my entire career working in what many say is a male-dominated sport. I have been able to work side-by-side with some of the biggest stars in the sport through several decades. Every day is different; there is a new challenge to conquer, new excitement to share and great new stories to share. Women who have a passion for anything considered out of the norm, GO FOR IT. Life is an adventure. Live it for the joy you find in what you do. I have that joy every day in racing. My goal: leave the sport better than when I started!”

Silvia BellotSILVIA BELLOT, Assistant Team Manager, Carlin: “One of the things that really attracted me tomotorsports is that it’s one of the few sports where men and women can compete against each other at the highest level of the sport, which is a very rare thing these days. You would never see that in any other major sports like football, baseball and basketball. I know it’s still a pretty common stereotype that racing is a male-dominated environment, but the reality is that there is actually a large pool of very talented women with a wide array of roles throughout the world of motorsports. My advice for the women who are considering motorsport as a career option is that you should definitely come and try it because it’s not just for men and we need passionate people like you!”

ALLISON MELANGTON, Senior Vice President of Events, Hulman Motorsports: “I love working in motorsports and hope that more women pursue this industry as their career choice. The events are exciting, the people involved in racing are fantastic to work with and the athletes are completely committed to furthering the sport.”

LISA BOGGS, Director of Motorsports, Bridgestone Americas: “Find what you’re passionate about and pursue it, because there is no reason you can’t do what you want. It’s so important to write your own story, find those who support you and don’t let anyone get in your way.”

TASHER WILLET, Team Engineer, Honda Performance Development, Car No. 60, Jack Harvey: “I have been in the racing industry since the beginning of my career and am honored to be a member of the highly talented, diverse engineering team at HPD. It allows me to further my professional development each and every day, and I love the competition.”

Laura Stasila and Denise TitusLAURA STASILA, Nurse, INDYCAR Medical: “I have been a nurse for INDYCAR Medical six years now. I have a role where I get to travel and take care of different people from all over the world. I have two daughters and I would like them to see that it is possible to create a unique position out of a traditional job such as nursing and experience doing a job that you love.”

DENISE TITUS, Medical Coordinator, INDYCAR Medical: “I have been doing this for 16 years. I think it’s a great way to use the skills and knowledge that I’ve acquired over the years and put it towards people who feel like your family.”

LIZ VAN OOSTENBURG, Director of Media and Public Relations, Harding Steinbrenner Racing: “As a little girl growing up in Indianapolis, the month of May and the Indy 500 were right up there with Christmas and birthdays. I always wanted to be more than a fan. I wanted to work behind the scenes and really experience the greatest sporting event in the world. Luckily, while I was a student at Purdue (University), an opportunity for an internship with Bryan Herta Autosport became available and I haven’t looked back. Six years and lots of travel and odd jobs with INDYCAR later, I am director of media and public relations for HSR. Just like that little girl, I’m still excited about INDYCAR and the month of May.”

SJ LUEDTKE, Vice President of Marketing, NTT IndyCar Series: “What I love about my job is the people. INDYCAR has been and will always be a great big family. It’s great to be a part of what has brought me back to the sport. I have always worked in male-dominated industries. I believe being personable and dependable are key factors to building successful relationships in any business, which provide the trust needed to have hard conversations when needed.”

Gail TruessGAIL TRUESS, AMR INDYCAR Safety Team Driver and Road to Indy Pace Car Driver: “For 10 years I have been the driver of the INDYCAR Medical team and part of the AMR INDYCAR Safety team.When I was a national champion rally car driver, on the back of all of my cars I had, ‘If it were easy, someone else would be doing it’ and ‘Play hard or go home’ and ‘Girls kick butt.’ Ladies, if you have an ambition in life, you should go full throttle.”

JESSICA MACE, Indy Lights Engineer and Mechanic, Andretti Autosport: “I’ve been working in racing about 12 years now. I’ve done sports cars, I’ve done Indy cars and changed tires for the (Indianapolis) 500. It is a challenge, like any other job, you have to work at it, you have to get good. You just have to earn respect from your peers like you would any other job. … You really have to work hard, you can’t back down to the guys. You just have to do your thing and know that you are doing it right.”

STEPHANIE CARLIN, Commercial Director, Carlin: “I oversee all things marketing, communications, driver negotiations and contracts, and sponsor relations in all of the championships that we compete in. I’ve been at Carlin for a little over 12 years, and I’ve watched it grow massively into something that I’m honored to be a part of. I’m proud of the environment that we’ve created at Carlin which allows women to move up to the highest levels of management and not only exist there, but really grow and thrive. I know we’re definitely not the only team in motorsports who have welcomed women into all areas of the organization. It’s been really amazing over the last few years to watch that evolution occur. I think there’s always going to be some sort of stereotype or preconceived notion that racing is a male-dominated field, but every time a woman achieves something great in the motorsports landscape, we get a bit further away from those stereotypes.”

NICOLE ROTONDO, Team Engineer, Honda Performance Development, Car No. 15, Graham Rahal: “I’m new to the HPD race team this year. But my goal while in school was to work in the motorsports/automotive industry – and that would be my advice for other women looking for a career in racing: set a goal and then do everything in your power to achieve it.”

Amanda LundAMANDA LUND, Development Engineer, Andretti Autosport: “I work in research and development on different areas and projects to help our team increase performance. I love that every day with my job is a new adventure with projects and priorities constantly changing. Working in racing is a challenge, like any other career, but being determined, focused and enjoying what you’re doing makes it all worth it.”

CARA ADAMS, Chief Engineer, Bridgestone Americas: “I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with amazing women in my career that continue to inspire me every day. They’ve taught me the importance of empowering other women to push their boundaries, which is why I’m so thankful to be a part of Firestone Racing and the (NTT) IndyCar Series who are leading the way in fostering a community of strong women.”

KATIE HARGITT, INDYCAR Reporter, Fuel the Female Founder: “In every step of my career, I have had strong female mentors, so I’ve always known I wanted to give back when I could. Last year, when we established Fuel the Female, it felt like the perfect way to encourage the younger generation to pursue a career in motorsports. I’m inspired by the other women in the paddock who have excelled at every step of their own careers and take time to help younger girls who want to be in their shoes someday."

CARLA HEATH, Booth Tech Operator, INDYCAR Timing and Scoring: “I've been involved in various forms and levels of racing since 1974. When I joined INDYCAR Timing and Scoring in 2010, I knew I'd reached the pinnacle in the sport. The amount of knowledge, creativity and technology that our T&S group brings to racing is unmatched. And we're a fun group, which is important when you're working some long days in all kinds of weather.”

DIANE SWINTAL, Public Relations Coordinator, Road to Indy Presented by Cooper Tires: "The adage ‘to love what you do and to know that it matters’ rings so true for me. We work with young drivers progressing up the Road to Indy ladder, from karting to the NTT IndyCar Series. We help them develop the tools they need to succeed both on and off the track, and to see those drivers grow and achieve their dreams is so rewarding. There are so many strong, inspirational women in this industry, all working together to help each other as well, and I am proud to be a part of this racing family."

Debbie Lacey, Kim Tyger and Sheron ArnoldDEBBIE LACEY, INDYCAR Timing and Scoring: “Growing up in Indianapolis and spending a lot of time at the (Indianapolis Motor) Speedway was always something I looked forward to. Having an opportunity to work with INDYCAR was a dream come true. We work hard, long hours a lot of days but it’s like a big family. Can’t think of a better job to have.”

KIM TYGER, INDYCAR Timing and Scoring: “What I didn’t realize when I took this position was that it wouldn’t be just another job. This is family. Working with our team, the mechanics and drivers has been a blast. Setting up our equipment and checking the car transponders can be tedious, but the ‘fun’ atmosphere makes it the best job I’ve ever had.”

SHERON ARNOLD, Booth Tech Operator, INDYCAR Timing and Scoring: “I have worked with timing and scoring groups for 29 years and have been blessed to find with INDYCAR Timing and Scoring that I have a team of people that I respect, admire and consider my extended family! We work long hours, do hard work and achieve amazing things all while having fun.”